Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Week 10 Assignment 1

Week 10 Assignment 1

Q Professional Development Proposal Overview The world of business and technology is changing at an ever-increasing pace. Professional development is an important consideration for every employee to keep them relevant, competent, current, and competitive. In this assignment, you will seek executive sponsorship for a professional development activity that you hope to use yourself or share with colleagues. It should focus on innovative ideas, practices, or technologies that improve communication among global teams. Examples are: • Intercultural communication. • Communicating with executives. • Effective global meetings or communication. • Communication platforms such as social media. • Information sharing. • Project communication software. • Communication security. Directions Write a proposal or request for sponsorship of a professional development activity to your CapraTek boss. The proposal should detail an activity from an outside firm that is designed to address contemporary communication needs of global teams. Your request should: • Explain the need for the training—the problems it will solve and the opportunities it could create. • Describe a specific example that is available in the real-world including cost, availability, training type, et cetera. • Explain how the development activity would help you or your target group. If possible, provide a real-world example of its success. Submission Requirements Your paper should meet the following requirements: • Length: 2–3 pages double-spaced pages. • References: A minimum of three supporting references. • APA format: Resources and citations should follow current APA style. • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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The proposal or request for sponsorship of a professional developmental activity would be- Training on Professional Communication and Soft skills. I believe that any organization’s success depends on the level of transparency and clarity of communication. It depends on how easily employees can approach their seniors and ask queries. It also depends on how well senior management handles the issues through effective communication. Therefore, communication being the key word, it is essential to understand the need for this training and the problems it will solve and the opportunities it will create. ? Communication training ensures that there the workplace communication is improved because employees spend a lot of times talking to each other. It also stresses on the need of open and clear communication. Communication training helps employee learn how to keep their emotions in check and understand the greater needs of the organization. ? Communication training also helps in developing a clearer written communication which mainly concerns writing mails and in social media. This training will help employees to know about the various etiquettes. In technical field a lot depends on the way communication is done because one misstep and a project can go out of hands. ? Communication training helps to create a stronger unified brand which brings about a